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10 MET Office links to salting and gritting information


Information about salting and gritting of roads is available on many local authority websites.  The MET Office has listed links to this information ref It includes, in some cases, the helpful twitter feeds that announce when gritting is planned. Whilst this is  a welcome development it is unlikely that many people will come across it on the MET Office web site as it has no direct links from the weather forecasts. Before this information was published I pointed out several limitations eg


1 Authorities such as Devon do not guarantee to tweet their gritting events


2 There are gaps in UK  coverage


There is no explanation of the use to which the listing can be put. In particular, the links to the information about days on which gritting is planned (and therefore when there is an ice risk) are just described as ‘twitter’.



The above shortcomings and others have been advised to the PWSCG but no action has been taken. I also offered to supplement the list by surveying which local authorities gritted to cycle paths but did not receive a reply to this offer.


The MET Office links to salting and gritting information are welcome but there are some significant shortcomings in signposting from the weather forecasts and in the explanation of the information

Think twICE

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