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5.4 Contributory factors -road casualties


The following chart shows several significant contributory factors giving rise to road casualties.

Two principal sources of data have been used in constructing this chart. HES data applies to the chart entry titled ‘cyclists only-caused by non-collision incidents’. STATS 19 data applies to the rest of the chart.

These two data sets are not directly comparable.

STATS 19 data covers ‘killed and seriously injured casualties’ (KSIs). The attribution by police officers to each category of injury relies upon the judgement of the recording police office and is not based on medical expertise.

HES data is restricted to hospital admissions.

More accidents are recorded in the HES data base than in STATS 19.  For all road users in 2011 there were 1.9 times as many hospital admissions recorded than serious injuries in STATS19.

 Ref :Comparison of emergency road traffic hospital admissions (HES) and police recorded seriously injured road casualties (STATS 19): England, latest available year. (2011)RAS 55001


It is concluded that:

The number of serious cycling casualties caused by ice are comparable to or exceed the number of injuries caused to all road users arising from causes such as drink driving, speeding and road user fatigue.


1 Data with a figure ‘1’ on the vertical axis (i.e all road users) is taken from DfT RAS 50001 (Part of the RAS 50 series), contributory factors for reported road accidents 

2 Data with a figure ‘2’ on the vertical axis (i.e. cyclists only) is derived from applying the results of the survey 2   to Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) for 2015/2016 

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